Tuesday, September 14, 2010

Restore db from backup file with dynamic build

use master

declare @backupfile nvarchar(200) , @sql nvarchar(1000), @restorepath nvarchar(100), @restoredbname nvarchar(100) ,@logicalname nvarchar(100), @ttype nvarchar(10)
set @backupfile = 'e:\ces_uws_backup_2010_09_13_182228_1716321.bak'
set @restorepath= 'E:\DATA\'

drop table #tmp

create table #tmp
(LogicalName nvarchar(100),
PhysicalName nvarchar(500),
Type nvarchar(2),
FileGroupName nvarchar(20),
Size bigint ,
MaxSize bigint ,
FileId int ,
CreateLSN int,
DropLSN int,
UniqueId uniqueidentifier,
ReadOnlyLSN int,
ReadWriteLSN int,
BackupSizeInBytes bigint,
SourceBlockSize bigint,
FileGroupId int,
LogGroupGUID uniqueidentifier,
DifferentialBaseLSN nvarchar(100),
DifferentialBaseGUID uniqueidentifier,
IsReadOnly int,
IsPresent int,
TDEThumbprint nvarchar(100))

set @sql = 'RESTORE FILELISTONLY from disk = '''+@backupfile+''''
print @sql
insert into #tmp
exec sp_executesql @sql

select * from #tmp

drop table #tmp1

create table #tmp1
(BackupName nvarchar(500),
BackupDescription nvarchar(500),
BackupType int,
ExpirationDate datetime,
Compressed int,
Position int ,
DeviceType int,
UserName nvarchar(100),
ServerName nvarchar(100),
DatabaseName nvarchar(100),
DatabaseVersion int,
DatabaseCreationDate datetime,
BackupSize bigint,
FirstLSN nvarchar(100),
LastLSN nvarchar(100),
CheckpointLSN nvarchar(100),
DatabaseBackupLSN nvarchar(100),
BackupStartDate datetime,
BackupFinishDate datetime,
SortOrder int,
CodePage int,
UnicodeLocaleId int ,
UnicodeComparisonStyle int,
CompatibilityLevel int,
SoftwareVendorId int,
SoftwareVersionMajor int,
SoftwareVersionMinor int ,
SoftwareVersionBuild int ,
MachineName nvarchar(100),
Flags int,
BindingID uniqueidentifier,
RecoveryForkID uniqueidentifier,
Collation nvarchar(100),
FamilyGUID uniqueidentifier,
HasBulkLoggedData datetime,
IsSnapshot int,
IsReadOnly int ,
IsSingleUser int,
HasBackupChecksums int,
IsDamaged int,
BeginsLogChain int,
HasIncompleteMetaData int,
IsForceOffline int,
IsCopyOnly int,
FirstRecoveryForkID uniqueidentifier,
ForkPointLSN nvarchar(100),
RecoveryModel nvarchar(100),
DifferentialBaseLSN nvarchar(100),
DifferentialBaseGUID uniqueidentifier,
BackupTypeDescription nvarchar(500),
BackupSetGUID uniqueidentifier,
CompressedBackupSize bigint )

set @sql = 'restore headeronly from disk = '''+@backupfile+''' with nounload'
print @sql
insert into #tmp1
exec sp_executesql @sql

select * from #tmp1

select @restoredbname = replace(DatabaseName,'ces_','')+'_'+convert(nvarchar(4),year(BackupFinishDate))+'_'+convert(nvarchar(4),MONTH(BackupFinishDate))+'_'+convert(nvarchar(4),DAY(BackupFinishDate))
from #tmp1

select @restoredbname

set @sql = 'RESTORE DATABASE '+@restoredbname+' from disk = '''+@backupfile+'''
WITH FILE = 1, '

declare tmp_cur cursor for
select logicalname, type from #tmp order by fileid

open tmp_cur
Fetch next from tmp_cur into @logicalname,@ttype

while @@fetch_status = 0
--print @logicalname
--print @ttype
set @sql = @sql + 'MOVE '''+@logicalname+''' TO '''+@restorepath+@restoredbname+(case when @ttype = 'D' then '.mdf' when @ttype = 'L' then '.ldf' else '.ndf' end )+''','
Fetch next from tmp_cur into @logicalname, @ttype
--print '---'

close tmp_cur
deallocate tmp_cur

set @sql = @sql + ' NOUNLOAD, REPLACE, STATS = 10'
print @sql
exec sp_executesql @sql

set @sql = 'ALTER DATABASE '+@restoredbname+' SET RECOVERY SIMPLE'
print @sql
exec sp_executesql @sql

set @sql = 'USE '+@restoredbname+'
print @sql
exec sp_executesql @sql

set @sql = 'update '+@restoredbname+'.dbo.corp_setting set [value] = ''deadbox@cyberu.com'' where [key] = ''OverrideEmailAddress'''
print @sql
exec sp_executesql @sql

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