Tuesday, June 22, 2010

remove orphan users

--create proc usp_remove_orphan_users as
set nocount on

-- Section 1: Create temporary table to hold databases to process

-- drop table if it already exists
if (select object_id('tempdb..#dbnames')) is not null
drop table #dbnames

-- Create table to hold databases to process
create table #dbnames (dbname varchar(128))

-- Section 2: Determine what databases have orphan users
exec master.dbo.sp_MSforeachdb 'insert into #dbnames select ''?'' from master..syslogins l right join ?..sysusers u
on l.sid = u.sid
where l.sid is null and issqlrole <> 1 and isapprole <> 1
and (u.name <> ''INFORMATION_SCHEMA'' and u.name <> ''guest'' and u.name <> ''system_function_schema'')
having count(*) > 0'

-- Section 3: Create local variables needed
declare @CNT int
declare @name char(128)
declare @sid varbinary(85)
declare @cmd nchar(4000)
declare @c int
declare @hexnum char(100)
declare @db varchar(100)

-- Section 5: Process through each database and remove orphan users
select @cnt=count(*) from #DBNAMES
While @CNT > 0

-- get the name of the top database
select top 1 @db=dbname from #DBNAMES

-- delete top database
delete from #DBNAMES where dbname = @db

-- Build and execute command to determine if DBO is not mapped to login
set @cmd = 'select @cnt = count(*) from master..syslogins l right join ' +
rtrim(@db) + '..sysusers u on l.sid = u.sid' +
' where l.sid is null and u.name = ''DBO'''
exec sp_executesql @cmd,N'@cnt int out',@cnt out

-- if DB is not mapped to login that exists map DBO to SA
if @cnt = 1
print 'exec ' + @db + '..sp_changedbowner ''SA'''
-- exec sp_changedbowner 'SA'
end -- if @cnt = 1

-- drop table if it already exists
if (select object_id('tempdb..#orphans')) is not null
drop table #orphans

-- Create table to hold orphan users
create table #orphans (orphan varchar(128))

-- Build and execute command to get list of all orphan users (Windows and SQL Server)
-- for current database being processed
set @cmd = 'insert into #orphans select u.name from master..syslogins l right join ' +
rtrim(@db) + '..sysusers u on l.sid = u.sid ' +
'where l.sid is null and issqlrole <> 1 and isapprole <> 1 ' +
'and (u.name <> ''INFORMATION_SCHEMA'' and u.name <> ''guest'' ' +
'and u.name <> ''system_function_schema'')'
exec (@cmd)

-- Are there orphans
select @cnt = count(*) from #orphans

WHILE @cnt > 0

-- get top orphan
select top 1 @name= orphan from #orphans

-- delete top orphan
delete from #orphans where orphan = @name

-- Build command to drop user from database.
set @cmd = 'exec ' + rtrim(@db) + '..sp_revokedbaccess ''' + rtrim(@name) + ''''
print @cmd
--exec (@cmd)

-- are there orphans left
select @cnt = count(*) from #orphans
end -- WHILE @cnt > 0

-- are the still databases to process
select @cnt=count(*) from #dbnames

end -- while @cnt > 0

-- Remove temporary tables
drop table #dbnames, #orphans

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